Welcome to the CEG RPG! If you're interested in signing up, there are a couple rules to consider before joining in. Following the rules will ensure that the group sessions progress in a decent pace, and tensions between players at a mininum. To start with, there are a few requirements to even be considered in the group:

1) mIRC software or a client that supports IRC (Internet Relay Chat). This is the program that we use to conduct sessions. If you don't have this software, you won't even be able to play with us.

2) Plenty of time to spare. Because of job schedules by our Game Master, the CEG sessions start at 8 PM PST/Arizona time by Saturday night. If you live in the eastern American states or overseas, you might end up gaming with us at crazy late hours. The sessions are generally four to five hours long, maybe more depending on the players. One thing must be clear about this: When the action gets going in our sessions, things can get really fast, and sometimes it can be difficult to keep up. OOC distractions are understandable facts of our lives, but if it becomes a pattern during sessions to the point of slowing the rest of the group down and frustrating them, then things will be bad, yes?

3) AIM. While it's not necessary, AIM is an important tool for us to use. It enables the GM to speak with players privately outside of mIRC, tagging them if there's a session going on and they haven't arrived yet, and plenty of other things.

4) A livejournal account. Again, this isn't necessary, but the GM occassionally uses the ceg_lylat community on LJ to update the group on various stuff.

Once you fill in the application, JWolfman will contact you and work out the stats for your character. Most likely, he will ask you to watch a CEG session first before becoming active, so that you can gather information about how we conduct the sessions, what chat styles we use, and so forth.

Create your character with a military-mercenary style in mind. We kill things. We blow things up. We experience pain. If you try to apply in a movie star character or anything that will really stick out of a military unit too much, the application will be rejected. If you need help, go to the specific forum and ask or contact JWolfman directly.

Original characters please. Game canon characters are not allowed.

Use proper English in writing the posts during the sessions and in the forums. If the players can't understand you, they won't be able to play with you. Simple.

Be respectful to other players and especially to the GM. Flaming will be looked down upon, and if you have an issue with a player, settle it with him/her privately or take it up to the GM. Don't make the issue an excuse to start a flame war in public.

Don't argue with the GM too much without due cause. He's fairly laid back and often open to suggestions (even though he's closed minded on certain things), but his patience is not unlimited. In other words, don't piss off the GM. That will not be good to your character's health.