So last weekend I went camping with my little brother and some friends (who had never been camping before). It has been some time since I’ve been camping and, while it was really hot out, it was also alot of fun. We managed a campsite down on the shore of Lake Texana, which was great because there was a constant breeze that helped stave off the heat. I got to take a few pictures with my new camera. Some of wild life and some…a little more frivolous. ;D
Posts Tagged ‘fun’
Saturday, June 19th, 2010Weekend of Adventure
Wednesday, December 9th, 2009This is how I spent last weekend:
Went to visit a friend in Wichita Falls over the weekend and after seeing The Fantastic Mr. Fox, running around town, and a little pottery, we loaded up on snacks and played Starfox: Assault for a few hours before setting up our computers and hitting the RPG groups hard and fast.
I know what the ladies like. ;3